Natural evaporative humidifier.Just by soaking the bottom of the tree, it will gently humidify the air according to the wind and by matching the surrounding humidity. This humidifier can be used as an aroma diffuser by adding aroma oil. The paper used for KASHITSU SHIKI is co-developed specifically for this humidifier by a paper-manufacturing company and us, SHIKIGU.
Material Paper
MOKOMOKO [ W52 × H115 × D50 ]
TONGARI [ W52 × H115 × D52 ] (mm)
*Please use new clean water each time you use this product. Water-soluble aroma oil is recommended.
*When using aroma oil, please change the water first.
*If discoloration to the product occurs, or water suction decreases, both colour and water suction can be restored by soaking the entire product in water for about three hours.
*If this process doesn’t work, we recommend replacing the product.
*For detailed instructions, please refer to the quality label.